
I See Myself

Poem, Shae


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
03-29-2021, 06:56 PM

Balthier gave Shae an approving nod as she agreed and noted her love for her mother. He relaxed, standing back up to a normal height. Seeing Poem with Shae made him miss his own mother, and almost feel robbed of the days he had lost with her. Poem seemed to be an excellent mother, not that Balthier was going to bash Aranea.

Shae asked about the rafts, and Balthier kept the gentle smile on his face, "Yeah, your mama taught me how. We are going to build a raft for the ocean soon." He didn't want to give a deadline for Poem, he didn't want her to feel pressured. He wouldn't have even cared if they never built the raft. It still gave him plenty of stuff to do in his free time. He was tired of sitting around do nothing, waiting for his dad to come home everyday. Collecting the supplies for the raft was hard work, but it was tons more fun than being back at the den. He was getting older after all, so he had more freedom to get out and do more things, not that he wanted Allegro to feel he was slowly loosing his children.

"You can help us too if you'd like." It was a genuine offer, even if she was too small to do most things. Surrounding himself with more company wasn't a bad thought. And he liked the presence of the young one.

Walk "Talk" Think

Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.