
We Were The Kings and Queens of Promise




2 Years
Extra large
03-25-2021, 06:49 PM

She was nearly home.

The large woman had, in her grief stricken state, left her home and family behind. Not having a father as a young girl had been hard enough, but when Avalon died it had been devastating. She'd known it was coming, their mother had already aged a lot when she'd given birth to she and her siblings, but it didn't make the pain from the loss any less. Despite knowing she should have stuck around to support her siblings and to stay strong as a family, she'd ended up leaving regardless of that fact. It had been an unavoidable circumstance to the situation, but her leaving hadn't been forever.

Of course she hadn't expected to return to Boreas still stuck in full blown winter. The north had always had a colder climate year round, but this far exceeded expectations and it wasn't in a good way either. The tawny wolf's footfalls were heavy against the forest floor as she passed under giant trees that dwarfed her down to bug size in comparison. She marveled at their height briefly as the wind whipped her shaggy coat around. Debris and other nuisances clung to her fur, but she paid them no mind. She had one mission and that was to finally go home.

She felt a nervous twisting in her gut the closer she got to her old home land. Anxiety wasn't a feeling she felt often, but she had it in its heightened form now. She didn't know what to expect when she got there. Would she be welcomed back with open arms? Or would they shun her for leaving them? Would they even still be there? Packs came and went for sure so it was a possibility. Her anxiousness only proved to quicken her pace as she passed under the giant trees that loomed above her.

Walk, "Talk" Think