
[Rhae] Here comes a danger up in this club



1 Year
Extra large
03-25-2021, 07:11 PM

He was over the amount of snow these lands yielded. He found he had developed an even deeper hatred for the cold white fluff that seemed to coat quite literally everything. What the fuck was wrong with this place? The fact he still hadn't found Odyssia yet either had him more that pissed off and to top it off her had no idea where Zosime was either. He would tell himself he didn't care about her welfare at all, but she'd grown on him a tiny bit since the Spartans had taken her in. To have her die when she was supposed to be traveling with them would be an offense to his own pride. She was still under a yearling, even if he knew better than anybody that she could be tough as nails and match his own anger when she was riled up. Which happened to be most of the time. He had yet to meet another soul like himself who just radiated waves of "fuck off".

Tracking her down was proving to be easier than Odyssia though. Where the older woman was who knows where he had a roundabout idea as to where Zo could be. She hadn't been too far away when they'd gotten separated he temporarily ditched her. He found himself still in the western region of these lands when he came across her scent. It was faint and quickly fading with the snow covering her scent, but her tracks had been relatively fresh.

It didn't take him long to find to snow drift which she'd fallen in. He took note of the deepened hole and a glimmer of amusement flashed in his eyes. Boy was she going to be pissed. He tracked her a little farther until the mouth of a cave caught his attention with. Her paw prints led right inside and that's exactly where he went. He came to the mouth of the cavern and peered inside to let his eyes adjust. Golden eyes zeroed in on the pup's angry form as she kicked a stick. A sneer plastered itself to his face as he traipsed into the cave like he owned the place.

"Now what did that poor stick do to you, Squirt?" He said in a teasing tone.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)