
I Can Do Anything With No Permission




1 Year
Extra large
03-25-2021, 07:26 PM

Keen eyes watched her with an intent satisfaction as she squinted at him. So he'd struck a nerve? He kept his achievement from his face and remained passive as his ears flicked forward to listen to her as she explained she didn't have a mother. He hadn't really been wanting a reply as to whether or not her mother was around, but apparently he was going to get one. He really hadn't wanted a sob story either, but it seemed as though he'd signed himself up for one. His snout twitched as she went into the details of watching her mother get her throat ripped out. It wasn't often he ran into others with fucked up childhoods like his own, but this wiped the satisfaction clean out of him. The last thing he had wanted was a reminder of his own mother's untimely demise or the gruesomeness of how it had happened.

A low growl rumbled in his chest as she moved like she was going to circle him before she made herself so vulnerable he imagined it would have been quite easy to hit a vital spot before she could stop him. His eyes flashed dangerously, but the uncomfortable turn the conversation had taken the fight straight out of him. He felt his skin crawling as she returned his jabbing at him with full force. "My life has been just peachy." He snarled sarcastically. "Grow up buttercup, you're not fucking special because you watched your mom get her throat ripped out."

He kicked at the rabbit he'd victoriously rubbed in her face, shoving it away from himself, before he started to take some angry steps away from the pink she-devil. It had been fun teasing her at first, but now the thoughts of a mother he barely remembered and a father who'd punished him severely in her absence took over. He was still quite bitter about it and she'd brought all of it back in full force.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)