
In the Moor




Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-26-2021, 08:22 AM
The massive white stallion stopped and looked at her over his haunch and Lee took it an an invitation to join the horned horse so she got to her paws and made her way to his side. The girl was ever careful to keep in Taliesyn's line of vision as she approached out of respect. Even though they were packmates and she did not have any ill intentions towards the horse, she still wanted to try and make the stallion feel comfortable around her. Whether or not the stallion caught on to her efforts or not, at least she knew she was trying. Lee smiled warmly up at Taliesyn when she stopped a pace in front on his muscular shoulder so that he did not have to crane his neck so much to talk to her, their blue eyes meeting and she nodded in confirmation when he said her name. "I am very well, thank you Taliesyn. I hope you are as well?" she replied, studying his face as she spoke.

She had never been so close to a horse before and she noted that the skin of his face look incredibly soft, almost velvety and she had to fight the urge to touch his nose with hers to see if it felt as smooth as it looked. Quickly, the young wolf gathered herself again and made herself stop gawking at him, even as so many questions raced through her mind. Instead the young healer's dual-toned blue eyes took a quick turn over Taliesyn's body, looking for any cuts or scraps that might have needed some tending to before she found his great blue eye once more. "Would you like some company? As long as I wouldn't be keeping you from your plans for today." the russet brindle wolf asked, her charcoal tail wagging happily behind her, the eagerness to have someone to walk and talk with plain on her elegant face.