
Healer's Rest [Healer's Raid Camp]

Healers, guards, and wounded from raid come here



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-26-2021, 08:45 AM
It felt like she had arranged her salves and bandages for the millionth time when her ears picked up the sound of paws in the snow and her face swung towards the sound. It was hard to see through the snow at first but soon she spotted Cairo coming towards her and she returned his friendly nudge to her shoulder. Her sapphire and ice blue eyes widened when the Sentinel asked if she was ready for her first patient and nervousness flared in her chest again. "Oh... Yes.. Of course... This way please." she stammered and gestured with her slender nose to the large hide laid on the ground for patients. Lee stepped aside and allowed Cairo and his companions to pass by her and into the tent, following right after they entered. She waited patiently for his companions to undo the man's armor and took that time to gather her supplies. She quickly grabbed two meadowsweets in her teeth from her collection of supplies and set them in front of Cairo before she turned and gently nudged two bowls of warm water closer to the Sentinel as was as some bandages and a cloth.

Quickly the young woman washed her paws in one bowl and wiped them dry on the cloth next to it before she turned her attention to the cut the man had bared for her. It was not deep and would heal quickly but certainly needed some salve to help keep it from getting infected. Her sapphire and ice blue eyes flicked to meet Cairo's as she explained "Eat the meadowsweets now so they can get working on the pain and soreness. After about thirty minutes you can eat as they will be absorbed by then. she paused for a second to see if he had any questions about the herb before continuing, her voice growing more sure of herself as she worked. "Luckily the cut is not deep at all but you should definitely keep a salve around and apply it morning and night after this to keep it from getting infected. It should heal in a couple of days." she held his gaze for a moment longer before she turned her attention back to the cut. "I'm going to start cleaning it now, so it might hurt a bit but it'll be quick since it's not a big wound." she said to him before she took another cloth and dipped it in the clean water bowl then began to gently clean the cut, her eyes flicking to Cairo's face from time to time to make sure she wasn't causing him pain.