


07-29-2013, 10:23 AM

Who will be there to take my place when I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

His words taunted her. He was making a meal out of her. Her body was being torn apart and she was helpless to stop it. It felt as though the torture would never end. His fangs constantly piercing her flesh. Pain finally knocked her out, body falling limp in his deadly grasp. Her mind drifted away from her body, images that couldn't have been real filled her mind. She walked in a field, a warm breeze teased her dark pelt. She was once more flawless her ebony pelt rich as lush as it ever was. Momma! A high pitched voice found its way to her ears, causing her to look around in confusion. A tiny black form raced towards her, coming to a clumsy stop at her feet. A pup. Sapphire eyes tilted down to look at him. An amethyst gaze stared right back at her. He was a spitting image of only one wolf. Kaios. So this was her little boy that she had lost so long ago. A smile tugged a inky lips. Crown dropped to nuzzle him, "My little boy." She spoke affectionately, whether those words were actually spoken out loud she would never know. It all began to fade away, sending panic coursing through her.

Lonely silenced blanketed her, only the sound of her ragged breathing to comfort her. Pain clouded her mind. It was all she could think about. She felt the world spinning out of control as the blood drained from her body. Somewhere far far away a voice called her, pulling her back to reality. She forced her eyes to open once more, meeting a familiar amethyst gaze. "Kaios." His name fell from her lips on a breath, barely there. She didn't think he would come, it felt like eternity. It barely registered how broken his next words were, how lost he sounded. It sudden warmth wrapped around her in a comforting embrace, his massive form pressed along her back. "Make it stop." Her voice was so soft, barely audible, but far from broken. She was going to die, there was no reason for it to be prolonged and painful. She would rather die at the jaws of her secret lover than a total stranger. Lids drifted shut, sapphire orbs disappearing for the last time as his tongue caressed her skull. Her breath hitched painfully. She couldn't hang on much longer, sheer will power had kept her awake for this long but even that was dwindling.Tucked against his side in a safe embrace, her breathes became farther and farther apart, more and more ragged, her pain filled cries dying out with every painful breath.

Could you make it on your own?

"Talk here."