
I Can Do Anything With No Permission




1 Year
Extra large
03-27-2021, 03:50 PM

"You’re the one making it sound like having a mother is special. So don’t act like I’m some beaten thing."

His eyes rolled at her comment. He'd clearly struck a nerve, but even that wasn't enough to get him to turn around to look at her. He was hell bent on getting away from the annoyance that had forced herself into his company. He hadn't asked for her to be here and in fact, she'd purposely followed him to assert herself in his life. He'd intended on showing her just how quickly he could leave to. He found her temper to be too revealing for his taste. The last thing he'd expected while teasing a little pup was to have memories resurface of the mother he'd long since locked away in a dark recess of his mind.

That was until he heard her snarl.

He whirled around, his face alight with primal fury, as she leaped toward him. She hadn't made a move to actually attack him yet, but that was all it took for him. She'd soon find out she'd bitten off more tan she could chew. If she wanted a fight she was going to get one. At this point he couldn't give a damn if she was a female or a pup. He wouldn't have cared if she was blind. She was going to learn not to pick fights with a wolf like him.

His ears flattened against his skull and his muzzle wrinkled in a snarl that bunched the skin up around his eyes. They narrowed to slits as he glared at her and, since he no longer had a tail, his legs widened to shoulder length apart to make up for the balance he wouldn't get from the missing appendage. His hackles stood on end as he growled lowly at her with his head lowered, chin tucked downward slightly to protect his throat. He wasted no time in coiling his hind leg muscles before he attempted to throw himself at her full force. His head tucked downwards as he aimed to ram his horned head right into the middle of her throat. Killing her wasn't on the agenda, but if she wasn't fast enough he certainly wouldn't be upset about it. You were either strong enough or you weren't There was no in between. (ooc note: His ref isn't accurate as far as his horn size and the angle. They're more straight and definitely smaller than on his ref).

While his horns went for her throat, he raised his massive front left paw and attempted to smash it down on her front right paw as hard as he could. His other three limbs dug into the ground and distributed his weight evenly at the adjustment. He wasn't going to take it easy just because she was a girl. He'd dish out a full fledged fight regardless. Maybe she'd learn a thing or two.

Rhaegath Armistice vs Relm for Dominance
Round 1/x
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Mutation: Attack
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)