
[Rhae] Here comes a danger up in this club



1 Year
Extra large
03-27-2021, 07:58 PM

His ear flicked as she snorted in indignation at his question. "Obviously, or did your kudu father give you his fear too? Gonna stand there and stare like a deer?" A threatening growl rumbled in his chest at her comment. He didn't particularly appreciate his old family being brought up in conversation. His father was quite the sore spot with him and, while he had yet to explain to anyone why, he'd quickly remind her that it wasn't a subject that he wanted breached any time soon. "I swear to whatever gods there are, if you imply that I'm half kudu ever again I'm going to turn you into a wolf shish kebab with these horns." He threatened with a sour tone as he tried to resurface from the swarm of memories of Mortar that threatened to over come him.

His gaze fell on the mushroom covered cavern as she bumped him with his shoulder. While deer brain would have sounded insulting to most, it was probably about as close to a term of endearment as she could get. "Fucking hairball..." he spat back with much less venom than the moments before as he bumped her back. As annoying as they could get to one another, it was nice to feel like he had some family that was normal. Deep somewhere buried under the layers of his twisted and blackened heart, he appreciated her and the Spartans for replacing his own fucked up family. Zosime, while abso-fucking-lutely annoying at times, had shown enough of herself to prove that she was worth his friendship. Even if that friendship was fucked up, didn't make a lick of sense, and was most likely quite abusive. Okay it was absolutely abusive. It was a wonder they weren't each layered in scars from how much they picked and bickered with one another.

"I'd dare you to eat one, but even I don't think it's a good idea." He said as if reading her thoughts. "I wonder why they glow like this." He said mostly to himself as he padded over to the closest shroom covered wall. They were intriguing and probably pretty deadly if they were able to illuminate such a dark space. Hence why he wasn't stupid enough to try eating one, even if his pride and ego were at stake. He could do some pretty stupid shit while trying to compete with Zo, but he wasn't that stupid.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)