Sunshine where did you go?
Excitement bristled through the young pups pelt. The closeness she felt to Carnage was almost instant, though Voodoo was not sure if this was a good thing. They both seemed to be of royalty! When Carnage told Voodoo who her mother was her eyes lit up. A Klein! That meant Carnage was a relative, a part of her family as far as she knew. "Deathbelle Klein! She says my daddy's name is Magnus, though I haven't met him." She shrugged. Her father needed time as far as she was concerned. Every wolf needed to take time right!?
Voodoo was almost startled by the pups jump. Carnage tackled onto the gray pup as Voodoo felt herself jerk a bit the warmth of Carnage's pelt pressing against her. The soft bump of their bodies made Voodoo giggle, because Carnage was right this needed to be a day that stayed in Voodoo's memory for a long time. She jumped up, following just behind Carnage. She stopped a little behind her wagging her tail. "Are you gonna show me some cool places?!" she exclaimed in bewilderment.