
Shouldn't I know you?



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
03-28-2021, 11:13 PM

The loud crunch of paws through snow pulled her gaze away from the would be green house, turning her attention to a very large, very purple man that approached her from the castle. For a second she wondered if maybe she was going to be in trouble for trespassing or something along those lines since he definitely wasn't related to Artorias and she hadn't waited for Artorias to come out with her, but she quickly realized that the male wasn't hostile in any way. She nodded in agreement when he mentioned how far she was from home and almost went back to looking at the green house in front of them till he mentioned his wondering if anyone still used the green house he had left behind. She looked at him questioningly for a moment until she actually took a second to smell his scent past the very obvious smell of The Hallows on his fur.

It was harder to pick up since he had been away from them for so long, but there was still a familiar scent there - subtle hints to it that that all of their siblings shared. Recognition lit up her face as she asked, "You're... Indigo - aren't you?" It was a name she had heard several times, but she had never actually seen a face to go with it. She probably should have guessed sooner since his look was pretty distinctive, but she hadn't thought to look for him here. Considering the scarcity and stand offish nature of most - if not all - of her older siblings it almost felt like a rare treat to actually find one that wanted to speak with her. Mortis was really the only exception and she hadn't even seen him around much as of late.

She found herself smiling as she looked up at him, her tail wagging gently. Suddenly she remembered the seemingly rhetorical question he had asked about the green house back in the Armada's lands as her thoughts jumped between a bunch of different topics and questions. "I guess to answer your question - I don't think it's been kept up with recently. Io used to have the garden, but... she's not around any more. There's not really any healers... Except Mojito I guess. I think he was going to start fixing it up in the spring, but... Then the weather got really, really bad." As she spoke her expression began to fall and she glanced toward the snow covered ground with a frown.

She pulled her gaze back up to his with a more determined gaze as she tried to focus on the positives instead of the negatives - though there were an awful lot of negatives to contend with right now. "Me and a bunch of my litter mates are learning to be healers though! Well... I'm trying to, anyway. I have a fox that lives with me - she knows a lot about different herbs so she's been teaching me." She knew some of her other siblings were more talented at it than she was, but she didn't want to give up on it... At least not yet.

"Briar" | "Marigold"