
Pick your poison


07-29-2013, 01:55 PM

Once again, Tyberius was wandering. He'd left Amenti's lands to further explore the North, an adventure in his new home. It would be exciting to most wolves, but to him, it was just another way to pass the time.

Caves loomed before him before long, and he stopped, deciding on whether to go inside or not. There was probably nothing inside, nothing of interest to go look at. Just when he was about to turn away, to go find something else worthy of his time, he heard a voice coming from within. Wonderful, he thought. There goes my solitude. Tyberius had fully made up his mind to leave; he wasn't at all keen on meeting someone new. Or anyone, really. He wasn't anti-social by his standards, he just didn't like interruptions.

Suddenly, the voice grew clearer and he realized that the wolf was singing. The song sounded like it had to do with poisons and herbs, but that wasn't interesting to Tyberius. What was interesting was that it was a male singing, and the cripple found singing dumb. There might still be potential for this day, he thought with a smirk as he limped into the cave.

It seemed to him as though the male wolf hadn't noticed his entrance, but the wolf had stopped his song anyway. Maybe he's realized how unintelligent he sounds.

"Do you realize how awful you sound? Stupid, too, if I may say so myself." His muzzle contorted into a wicked grin. The initial shock of the victim was his favorite part of irritation. "My ears might well be bleeding," said Tyberius sarcastically, flicking the tip of his tail.

As he stood before the male, he examined the stranger. He'd never met the wolf prior to now, which was good. Most wolves wanted to kill him after their first meeting. This one at least wouldn't know what was coming. Shock, surprise, and hurt were three emotions that Tyberius fed from. They renewed his will to annoy every time. From what he could discern from a moment's glance, he didn't think that the wolf would flat-out tear into him. He could always tell the kind that would: that certain wildness expressed through the eyes, the posture. Tyberius wondered if the male would cry. He'd always wanted to make a male cry but it hadn't happened so far.

TAG: awaken! . WORDS: 391 . NOTES: none.