
Spoon full of sugar

Faith and Pontifex



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
03-31-2021, 12:08 AM

ooc. I'm so sorry for making y'all wait, surgery and school have taken it out of me. I'm trying to keep up with important threads though

This strange woman was certainly not someone the boy had ever seen before. Then again, he hadn't seen many of the wolves that shared the territory with them. A few familiar faces at the meeting, but for the most part he was isolated from the comings and goings of the pack. Two-toned eyes skirted over the woman's form, noting her small stature compared to mother and the rest of his family. He found his gaze and attention drawn to the tall antlers sweeping skyward from the crown of her skull, and the wispy lichen that swayed lightly with each movement. Fortunately, having Faith by his side gave him comfort in the form of familiarity and someone to lean against. When the pale female spoke up, her voice had a similar accent to the new Shogun. “Hello. My name is Kiyo and I’m going to be giving you a check-up. I’ll be doing the same things I just did to your mother and Obi and it won’t hurt a bit, so don’t be afraid. I’ll even give you a treat afterwards,” the woman spoke in a way he was unused to, and ever so slightly his brows drew together. The softness was not unwelcome, but he wondered why she sounded like this. Mother was typically rather brusque, even in her warmest moments.

Faith was the first to undergo the strange examination, and for that the boy was somewhat grateful. He could observe quietly, and ensure that nothing untoward was about to happen. His sister sat dutifully and still as the grave, and said nothing as the woman moved to examine her. He watched mutely, intrigued by the gentle ministrations of the older female. Mother had instructed him rather firmly to keep his mouth shut and sit still, but his fatal flaw could not be held back at such a young age. He piped up, "What are you doing?" soft vocals questioned Kiyo, brows furrowed as he traced the slow, steady movements as she poked and prodded at his sister. The dour child found himself salivating with the potential for knowledge at hand, though he was sure to remain perfectly still while he watched the strange woman.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.