
Do you know where the wild things go?



11 Years
Athena I
07-29-2013, 01:55 PM

Alena's smile widened when he agreed to teach her a few things of his trade and as he offer of a trade she easily nodded in agreement. "Yes, of course, as soon as my shoulder has recovered I would be happy to show you a few things. Perhaps we can meet back here one day and we'll have our lessons." She was already looking forward to the day that she could teach and learn from the brute. She rarely if ever caught herself looking forward to the company of others, but she was always excited to learn and she had kind of taken to the healer. She thought she could consider him a friend, one of her few.

"So Seracia beat me to him," the fea thought a little disappointedly. She would have liked to recruit the healer to Amenti. Healers were always a necessity and whether he would admit it or not he seemed like a talented healer as well. Even besides that, she enjoyed talking with him and wished she had someone like him with her in Amenti to spend her time with. She listened quietly to the brute's warning about his brother and she took his word as truth. She had been around Tyberius very little so she had no memories to go against what Tiresias was saying. "I will keep that in mind. I'm sure I will have to have contact with him eventually since we are in the same pack and we are both part of the scout rank, but I will be sure to keep my wits about me when I'm with him."

Feeling a little more stable than she did before, she carefully rolled so that she was no longer on her side but on her stomach, her legs tucked under her neatly. She blinked as her head spun for a moment, but she took a deep breath and held still and her vision cleared once more. She sighed and lifted her violet gaze to Tiresias again, for once the cold, calculating gaze of the assassin warming. "It's a shame Seracia already has a claim on you. I would have liked to had a friend in Amenti," she said as a glancing thought, quickly moving on to a new topic without much thought. She glanced around the Rock Garden as she said, "I think I should be able to walk soon... Maybe you can tell me a few healer related things while we wait? Just something to pass the time? And I'll try to think of some defensive things I can show you without moving too much in return."
