
peppermint winter



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

03-31-2021, 05:44 AM
Duchess said she wanted to be here with him and had warmed his chilly heart. Indigo continued to think about those moments before Resin arrived and he led miss Duchess towards the water. She insisted on helping him get clean, and he knew she wanted to make sure his wounds were seen to. Being the one to be cared for was a different experience for the massive purple pelted wolf. Indigo was the one who usually saw to the strays, he was one of the Hallows first defenses against danger, knowing that Duchess was there and eager to look after him in return brightened the boy.

The dried blood was beginning to crust on the outside of his fur but it was still sticky and irritating next to his sensitive skin. The gouged down his face chin and neck were back to throbbing dully and Indy knew he was reaching the time limit of how long he could safely wait before cleaning the wounds. He wasn’t eager to get into the freezing waters of the stream, but it was better than the alternative. Infection wasn’t good and licking the blood wasn’t pleasant.

Big black paws came to a halt as they reached the river at the borders of the Hallows. Ice accumulated at the edges, and had the sun not peeked out today he was certain it would have been frozen over. Darkness was falling and with it the cold was coming. Indigo braced himself for the uncomfortable experience by using his massive weight to break away the ice at the edge. It was a small pool, the water was still moving but the flat of the area created a small lagoon.

He didn’t pull himself back, instead he carefully entered the water. It took his breath away. He knew Duchess wanted to help, but he didn’t really want her in the water with him, it was much too cold for a leisurely swim. Indigo slowly and reluctantly lowered himself into the frigid water to begging washing away the gore from his mane.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.