
fire & ice

For tip of the iceberg skill prompt



2 Years
03-31-2021, 02:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2021, 02:14 PM by Emiko. Edited 1 time in total.)
Emiko was thankful that her companion had a dark coat. In the moments that she could open her eyes she could just barely see him through the snow. It was enough that she kniw where he was and where to go. She didn't want to get separated from tje group on the bifrost. The piebald woman worried what could happen if she were to get separated. Though her survival skills were sufficient enough she wasn't sure they were good enough to make it through this storm. Especially when they had no idea how long it would last. She only lifted her head enough to try and spot her friend before being forced to press her muzzle against her chest once more.

Her eyes were closed momentarily against the snow so Emiko didn't see Enenra move toward her. She felt his presence when he pressed his side against hers. She opened her eyes to slits to see his large figure next to her. She leaned into the gesture hoping that maybe now they would stay a little warmer. She felt like the wind was going to whip her tail right off of her. At least she did until his large body was protecting her a little from the wind. "Thank you," she shouted trying to be heard over the wind whipping around them.

Well that was just great. Neither of them knew where they were going. "I wish this would stop," she found herself shouting again. Then maybe they would be able to see where they were going. Truth be told Emiko was a little afraid they were going to he lost on the bifrost for the rest of their lives. At the very least until thus storm passed and frankly she didn't think it looked like it would be passing anytime soon. She couldn't see anything ahead of them because the wind was causing her the snow to hit her face so forcefully there were many moments where she had to keep her eyes closed. That was one reason she was Thankful to have Enenra pressed against her. She knew where he was and he knew where she was. They couldn't get separated.

She kept pace with him as best she could her fear of getting lost keeping her going. She thought she might sleep a whole week once they finished fighting this storm. When he spoke of cover ahead of them she tried to look for herself. Lifting her head and looking in that direction she could see some dark shadows but with the snow she couldn't make out any details. "I hope we can get there quickly," she shouted again. The black and white woman was really growing tired of shouting. She urged them a little faster not wanting to take the chance of loosing sight of their salvation.

Word count: 471
Note: Any speech in Italics indicates Emiko is speaking Japanese. This is her .fluent language.