



2 Years
Dire wolf
03-31-2021, 06:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2021, 06:04 PM by Poltergeist. Edited 1 time in total.)

The femme had finally worked up her courage again to keep going. She padded closer and closer to what used to be her home. Her dulled eyes were set ahead and there was silence in the cold air. It was snowing and dark. She had left off in the middle of the night from her temporary den, there was no need to put this off. Her eyes had bags under them and she was sure every ounce of her issues sleeping showed visibly. it mattered not though.

She bounded, leaping high up over where she knew the border used to be, not even smelling if it was faded or fresh. She didn't want to smell how faded it was. She knew in her mind it would break her to no longer smell the border. She was quiet and careful not to disturb the wildlife as it all bedded down for the freezing cold, snowy night. That didn't mean all was quiet with her though. She flinched as her mind shouted at her. She could hear the voice of Kuzon, sharp loud and clear. Stupid girl, didn't I tell you, they're dead. Get over it. She knew he was right, but they deserved a burial or a shrine at least didn't they? She paced forward her eyes on the horizon. She knew where her day would end, had thought through it and planned it through.

Step one. Find the skeletons of her family. Step two. If there is no bodies then construct a shrine. If there are bodies bury them. Step three. Go to the cliffs... the rest was self explanatory.

She stopped walking outside a familiar place, the last den she had slept in when she had been a baby here. It was vacant, she could tell. Her eyes settled on it, and a dampness trekked down her face. Her lip quivered and she sucked in a breath of frozen air. She should check there first, she knew but what if she found something?

Mindless wandering "Hopeless words"