
Sing about the Birds and the Bees



07-29-2013, 02:49 PM

She was glad that the mystery was revealed to her, the puzzle her brain had been trying to solve came clear. This was Silent's mate. She didn't talk much of him, it was probably because Song had never asked. It was quite shameful of her, thankfully though here they were. A coincidental meeting but a pleasant one all the same. "That would be me -- I hope, at least," Her lips drew back in a wide grin her tail thumped against the hard ground. "I am glad to see she has not been alone in her travels here." Silent was one of the first wolves she met in Alacritia, they had come to be quite close recently. "How long have you known her, Song?" He mustn't have heard about the wedding that his mate had presided over, this would be quite the tale for him. It seemed Silent mentioned as much of Song to Bronze as Bronze to Song.
I've known Silent for as long as I've been here on Alacritis. I consider her my adoptive mother, she even performed the ceremony for my husband and I. Her adoration for the older she wolf was quite plain to see on her pretty porcelain face. She would do anything for Silent, she just wished she lived closer. Since she had found her way to what Song assumed was Seracia she had seen a bit less of her. That would have to be remedied soon. I haven't seen her in a bit, I imagine she's lessened her traveling because of the pregnancy. She didn't wish to go very far now that her sides were becoming quite round. She really shouldn't have strayed far from the den..
