


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
04-01-2021, 07:11 PM
Ezra was excited when he successfully reached Artorias' side with his light nip, but that excitement was short lived as his opponent ducked and dodged till he was swinging his sword toward him. Ezra tried to hop out of the way and almost succeeded in ducking out of the way of the weapon, but fell just short and ended up getting a good wack on the spot between the top of his neck and shoulder. He winced and finished getting out of the way so he could reset his stance, waiting for Tika to draw his attention before he dove in again.

Over head, the three avians continued to swoop and dart around each other, Aquila throughly amused with ruffling the raven's feathers. He didn't attempt to follow Corbin toward the ground, instead happy to have some more space freed up in the sky. Shortly afterward though, the hawk that had come with the girl of the group got his attention and then took off in an obvious game of chase that he just couldn't pass up. He chittered and screeched excitedly as he took off after his fellow bird companion with a few hard flaps of his wings.

Ezra ducked out of range of Artorias' weapon until Tika had a chance to go for his tail and as soon as Artorias made a turn toward her he leapt in, attempting to throw his shoulder into the smaller boy's side in an attempt to knock him down. He kept his face turned away from Artorias' though just in case he didn't get out of the way in time to avoid another swing of his sword. If he did get hit at least it'd just be on his side or hip - nothing that couldn't withstand a bruise or two.

Ezra Fortis Adravendi vs Artorias Carpathius vs Avantika Carpathius
Round 1/2
Age: Under 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Black-and-chesnut eagle, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Serrated teeth - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A

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