
A Note That Said I'll Love Her Till I Die




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-01-2021, 07:34 PM
Ulric felt her paw on his chest and had to gather up every scrap of self control that he had to keep himself from wrapping his forelegs around her and pulling her to him. He had to steel himself against her and her emotions as he listed to her strained words. He only ever wanted to help. That's what he felt like he had been born to do - protect and help those around him. The fact that there was nothing he could do to ease this heartbreak for either of them without compromising his own morals hurt him more than he could describe.

He listened as she described the mistakes she had made, the relationships she had strained. He wanted to fix it all, but he knew he couldn't The only thing he could do was help her run from her problems and hide her away from them. Nothing would be resolved that way and he would never forgive himself if he became the reason that any relationship her children could have had with her never came to be. She questioned if she had strained what they had the way she had with Allegro and her children and he honestly didn't know how to answer. He ultimately knew that no matter what he said there was no fixing this now and he was just going to have to live with this pain.

"Aranea... It's not you. It's not me. It's them. Your children... What kind of father would I be if I took a mother away from her children? My pups... They've hurt so much because their mother left and I can't return her to them... But I can return you to yours. I have to do what's right... I never want any of your pups to think that they weren't good enough for your devotion." He brought his paw up to the one she had resting on his chest, gently lifting it and holding the delicate appendage in his own, looking down at the contrast between his oversized paw pads and the small delicate features of hers. He dipped his head to leave a gentle kiss on her paw before he let it go. "I never should have given you a reason to want to stay here. I'm sorry for ever doing that to you. I... We needed each other, but... now it has to end."

Walk | "Talk" | think