
You Could Be Anything

Allegro, Psalm



3 Years

Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualThe Ooze Participant
04-02-2021, 12:56 PM

Psalm didn't often focus on her thoughts of her mother, if she was left alone to stew too long sure but as it was right now she was doing everything she could to focus on her father and make him proud, make him happy. Though she was not totally aware of it that was in part because she feared if she didn't he too might leave, an anxiety she would eventually grow out of but wholly reasonable to her still young developing mind. So it was that she'd thrown herself whole-heartedly into the same activities she saw him doing, wanting more than anything to show how much she could be like him. The girl was often glued to his leg when he was around and that was true as they marched along right now.

Her brother asked if prey would be drawn to the rapids and their father responded affirmatively, but the girl was confused, her head tilting to the side. "Would they risk being so close to a pack though?" She could understand if water was scarce but surely they could follow the path of the river further away from such a large group of predators who would undoubtedly be eager for prey so close to home.  She had little frame of reference for how much more desperate they might be due to the cold, this was her very first season of life and so had no reason to assume anything was amiss and that spring wasn't usually just an extended winter. They continued their trek, which was admittedly still a little hard for Psalm, though she was half a year old she was still quite small, her growth spurt not having totally kicked in yet, so she was much closer to the snow and therefore couldn't see too far out, but was able to get real up close and personal with the tracks her father seemed interested in. They were led slightly off the path, and Psalm's whole being was on high alert.

There was a shuffling up ahead and she perked, stopping suddenly in her tracks and trying to peer through the trees. Something large and rounded was moving up ahead. (Glyptodon)"What is that?" She whispered, jerking her head in its direction, the unknown creature was snuffling around in the snow, lifting its small rodent-like head from time to time to peer around with small beady eyes. Perhaps the next most important question, was... was it edible?

WC: 411 (1402/1500)

Art by SardonicCitrus