
All Around Me



07-29-2013, 03:50 PM

For these few moments, Killian felt himself again. He had been so affectionate before, always his sister's protector, always concerned with the well-being of those he cared for. It made him feel as though he was truly a good wolf, and even if that feeling was to be temporary he would savor it as though it would last forever. Whatever Alessa was to him, and whatever she would be in the future, he would protect her without hesitation. She was the first wolf he had cared even remotely for since leaving his pack, and that meant more than words could describe to him.

Her compliment only heightened his good mood, encouraging him to grin. It made him feel good to know that she thought so highly of him, albeit under false circumstances. What if she knew his purpose? Would she still believe he could be a good leader if she knew it would be only to seek his revenge? It was unlikely and Killian wasn't willing to take that risk, not yet at least. He knew it was unfair to keep her in the dark, and yet part of him just didn't care. He drove the thoughts out of his head, returning his focus to her. His head tilted to the side in a question.

"Have you thought about joining a pack, Alessa?"

thank you wolfie!