
He Doesn't Want Her Out There And Alone




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

04-02-2021, 04:58 PM
Duchess made herself comfortable beside him, like had become natural for them. Indigo wanted to be close to her, she helped chase away the lonely feelings. She was a warmth in the coldness of the world and a light in the darkness. Indigo always felt empty, but it was less so when he had Duchess, or Cosette, beside him. His bright blue gaze lingered here on his sky marked friend and the smile that didn’t quite fit her demeanor. She answered his question and trailed off for a long moment. When she spoke again Indigo wasn’t entirely sure what she meant.

After a sweep of their surroundings his bright eyes returned to her pretty face, his own tilting slightly and dark ears perked towards her. Indigo couldn't deny he enjoyed having her in the hallows with him. Someone like her deserved a much better lot in life than what she had been given and the yearling wanted to help provide that. He didn’t owe her anything, but something made him feel protective of her.

She told him that she was alone, and she elaborated softly then. She told him there hadn’t been much time since she had been left to fend for herself. Indigo listened, as she lingered in her thoughts he put his maned head on her paws. He looked up at her as she told him about the deep loneliness that she felt, even as they spent their time together. ”I…” Indigo started softly, his voice quiet as the cold night around them. ”I know the feeling.” The Fatalis boy hadn’t figured out how to rid himself of it. Even having Duchess and Cosette hadn’t touched that sense of being alone. He couldn’t help her if he couldn’t figure it out for himself.

”I’ve never been able to fix it.” Indigo confessed as he lowered his eyes and relaxed against her. Misery loved company, and Indy wanted hers. Affection and company.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.