
He Doesn't Want Her Out There And Alone




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

04-02-2021, 05:56 PM
Neither wolf truly knew the other one, their time together was sparse and both wolves were hesitant to offer up those deeper secrets that truly made them the way they were. Duchess pulled him closer after he spoke, being like this with her was already so easy. She did help to ease the deeper emotions, even if it didn’t feel like the feeling would ever truly leave him. He didn’t resist at all while she shifted slightly and brought his features to better align with her own. Indigo was naive when it came to relationships, he only knew one and he had been fumbling along beside Aslatiel since before he could remember. He knew what love entailed in theory, but his comfort zone was in these easy snuggles and affection he shared with Duchess.

She didn’t leave him hanging, as their eyes met she spoke again, hinting to a solution. Indy remained silent, but held onto her as she held to him. He blinked lightly as she closed the distance between their dark muzzles, His name was on her lips, different than any time she had spoken it before. Indigo felt himself hold his breath almost instinctively as time seemed to stop between them.

Then their lips met. Indigo closed his eyes slowly, resisting the urge to melt into the motions. The brush against his muzzle was brief, but spoke volumes. Duchess moved with a subtle confidence. She knew what it was she was doing. This wasn’t so far from uncharted territories that Indigo was stunned, but he felt his cheeks flush and his heart quicken its pace in his chest. The fluttery feeling swiftly overwhelmed the empty one, but he had a hunch it wouldn’t be smothered for long.

Indigo blinked open his blue gaze to find her eyes still closed, and without hesitation he leaned in again. Stealing his own kiss as he shifted, feeling the desire to just be closer to hold her tightly against his chest. To not feel so alone. Indigo resisted the urge to fully indulge, he gave Duchess a sweet and slow kiss as he lightly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.