
The bigger they are

Mammoth hunt preparation


04-02-2021, 10:23 PM

Ada had been traipsing along, picking her way from one snow covered place to the next. It seemed that there was no escaping the white stuff. Aside from it being cold though, it didn't bother the small lady. She was just one little wolf and was capable of hunting enough food to maintain her own life. Finding warm places to sleep on the coldest of nights was the real task. Thankfully, due to her small stature, she could squeeze into tight little places that no one else could. Tight meant warm. Sure, she'd gotten pretty close to becoming trapped, but so far luck had been on her side.

As the bob-tailed girl loped along the ice encrusted ground, a call rang out, requesting wolves for a hunt. One brow lifted as pumpkin colored eyes shifted in the direction of the call. Ada slowed to a stop. Yes, she had been feeding herself, but she could always eat more. And really, what else was on her agenda? Absolutely nothing. With a huff and a shrug, the monochromatic fae altered her position, small paws barely kissing the ground as she put a little kick into her step.

A group of wolves had amassed and it seemed that Ada was almost late to the party. Approaching the wolves, most larger than herself, the little bob-tailed beauty flicked her short tail back and forth in greeting. Another had just asked what they were after, so her gaze lit upon the obvious leader of the group; an earthen man that was...well... huge. Stepping into the groups space, the eager young fae awaited instruction.
