
The bigger they are

Mammoth hunt preparation



7 Years
Dire wolf
04-02-2021, 10:34 PM

Always up for a bit of mischief, Oxx decided to answer the call for help. The hunt for his mother had become boring and he decided to give himself a little break. One couldn't work all the time, after all. He'd burn himself out. His ambition would run dry. Couldn't have that now, could we? Isidora left behind, the behemoth of a brute meandered out into the big, white world. Huge paws broke through the ice as the dire wolf moved towards the call. There was no helping with that. The howl had asked others to join for a hunt. His giant size and wide paws would make running through the ice encrusted snow a little difficult, so hopefully the one calling the hunt would keep to the path of least resistance.

As the slate and snow beast arrived at the scene, a heavy scent slammed him in the face like a thrown brick. Dark grey eyes went wide as the object of his obsession finally let itself be known. His movement faltered and Oxx stood stock still behind the group. His gaze drifted from wolf to wolf. They smelled like his mother. He would know the bitch's scent anywhere. Ah, but which one was it? Which one of these wolves had contact with her?

Altering his course somewhat, Oxx came in from the side. As he passed each wolf, obsidian nostrils flared, olfactory sensors working overtime as he sifted through scents. A black and blue boy held her scent the most richly, but there was a girl as well that stank of his mother. Others of the group held similar notes and yet none of them had the rich tang of Carpathius blood. Ohhh, but that didn't matter. They smelled of her. It was obvious that they had contact with the bitch. Midnight lips peeled back from a wide, grinning maw as the dire man took his spot at the end of the queue. Well, today had just ended up perfectly. The potential to kill something big was just a bonus.


Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.