
The bigger they are

Mammoth hunt preparation



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-03-2021, 11:47 AM
Ulric waited as wolves eventually began to gather and was surprised to see his own son as the first to the party. He had a hard time hiding that surprise, but a pleased grin pulled across his features all the same. His attention soon got pulled away though as a dark, purple splattered woman approached them and introduced herself. The scent of the pack was faint on her coat so he had to assume she was a recent addition to their ranks, but still a welcome addition to their hunting party none of the less. "Welcome," he told her with a nod before turning his attention to the others that gathered quickly after. A mostly pink young woman joined in and addressed Ezra directly and he gave them a curious glance, wondering how the two knew each other. He was certainly not opposed to having loaners join in to their hunt considering how big their prey would be this day.

Some more familiar faces appeared in the form of Artorias, Avantika, Lúta, and Dunkan and he offered them each a dip of his head in greeting and welcome. He was glad that there had been a good showing of wolves from the pack, though he still wondered if this would be enough to bring down one of the huge, elephant like beasts. A couple more strangers joined the group in the form of a smaller monochrome woman and a speckled slate male who's size seemed to match his own. He kept a close eye on the new comers - the grinning male in particular - as he began to answer Artorias' question of what they were here for.

"I spotted a herd of creatures I've never seen before. They seem to be herbivores from what I can tell and were lingering between the Cedar Falls and Wraith's Woods. There was only three or four of them from what I could see, but they're massive - much bigger than any animal I've ever seen. They're thickly furred and have huge tucks as well. It will be a difficult hunt, but I do have some ideas of how we could take one down. It would get us a huge supply of food and fur if we're successful so I think it's worth a shot." As he spoke his silver eyes scanned the crowd, gauging their reactions. "I was thinking that if we can drive them toward Bent Canyon we might be able to split one off from the group and get at least one to go over the cliff and let it do the work for us... Thoughts?"

Walk | "Talk" | think