
I got this feeling that I can't go back




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-03-2021, 12:45 PM
As the harsh, wintery weather stretched on endlessly, she could feel herself getting more and more restless. She understood that she had no real limitations on leaving the pack's dedicated territory if she so wished and she was certain hat Iroh would accompany her if she requested to go somewhere, but this weather didn't exactly make for pleasant exploring weather. All she wanted to do was stay in their cavern away from the snow, but then she became her own contradiction against her own happiness. Elise occasionally ventured out and wandered around the ravine a bit, but ultimately ended up back in their den again.

She sighed as she reclined next to the fire as she came back inside from a short stent outside, holding her paws close to the heat to warm them up. She knew that if she was still a loner during all of this she would have been even more miserable since she wouldn't have a nice place like this to stay, but that didn't stop the little contrary whispers in the back of her mind from souring her mood. Even though it didn't make any sense, she couldn't help herself from wondering if she was still out there without the pack to keep her tied to one spot if she wouldn't feel less inclined to brave the cold. She felt like she had almost gotten too used to this warm, safe den that she could easily retreat to whenever she wanted and now she had an excuse to stay here more. Elise pouted and rested her head on the fur that was stretched out under her, pulling her paws back away from the fire as she curled and snuggled into herself.

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