
You Could Be Anything

Allegro, Psalm



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
04-03-2021, 01:06 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2021, 01:06 PM by Allegro. Edited 1 time in total.)
Psalm made a good point with prey not being as willing to risk getting too close to predators just to get to get to water so he offered her a nod and replied, "That's usually true... That's why you don't typically see herds of dear or anything like that near where our dens are. But in this kind of weather they have to start making exceptions sometimes. It's the same reason why he have to go a little further to find food and hunt animals that we wouldn't usually hunt. You do what you have to take care of yourself and each other." That was true for many things, not just food or water. He did what he had to in order to keep his children safe and as happy as he could manage on his own. It didn't matter that it was difficult or draining at times. They had easily become his reason for living and he would do anything for them.

As they crept up on the creature in question, he frowned and crouched down behind some brush, watching the unusual beast for a moment. Psalm and Balthier both has very valid questions - what was it and could they hunt it? I'm not sure..." he replied to both, hesitating as he tried to formulate some kind of plan. It looks like an armadillo, but... I've never seen one so... huge." It was much bigger than any prey animal he had ever seen at least. It was as if an armadillo had somehow grown to be the size of a bear. Armadillos, as far as he knew, weren't dangerous so he couldn't imagine this one would be, though he was hesitant to risk it with his pups in the mix. "We'd have to figure out a way to knock it over so we can get to its belly. I imagine the scaly plates on its back are going to be too tough to bite through."

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