
[Rhae] Here comes a danger up in this club



1 Year
Extra large
04-03-2021, 03:05 PM

Well she agreed that they both could probably get each other to eat a mushroom. He could already picture it in his mind - the dare would consist of them challenging each other to see who could eat more before they keeled over. He had body mass on his side so in his imagination it was a no brainer who would win. Not to mention she was a kid with an undeveloped body. There was no way she would beat him: but, the vision involved a lot of painful dying so he certainly wasn't keen on proving his theory. He agreed with her sentiment. If he was going to die it was going to be fighting a worthy opponent. Not a fucking plant.

"If you die it'll probably be because I've murdered your little annoying ass." He rumbled in a half-hearted jest s she flipped one over and, in the process, threw another insult at him. His nose wrinkled in annoyance, but he let this one slide. They could go back and forth all day, but he was far more interested in this "local predator population." Dark cave? Check. Interesting plants? Check. Warmer than outside? Check. It didn't take much consideration to easily agree with her. This place seemed like a great hub for any large carnivore to get out of the hell that was supposed to be spring.

"If I left you on your own I'm sure a bear would wear you as a coat instead." He said, making sure to not let her forget that she was still a kid and shorter than him. "Kid, there's nothing that could pretty up that face." He said, gesturing with his paw to all of her. "You're ten shades of fucked up." He chuckled mercilessly. "As it stands, you don't have to ask me twice. I am always ready to skewer something." He said while shifting his weight between his paws as he loosened up his muscles. "I'm sure if we go a little deeper in this place we'll find a good sized bear."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)