
The beating, beating paws

Pack Bonus Seasonal!



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-03-2021, 06:22 PM

He made it to his family den with haste, skidding to a stop at the entrance. He saw the fleeting form first of Gossamer, and knew that one daughter was heading to the safety of the Obelisk. Narrowing his eyes, he found the forms of Briar and Kotori bounding after her. That just left Oph and Aris. He ducked inside the den adn found the two forms. Sleeping more heavily than his other three children. He snagged Ophelia in his jaws, and Bast grabbed Aris a split second after. Carrying their burdens, the wolf and leopard turned wordlessly, and ran from the den.

The moment he arrived, Zee came shooting out from the darkness, she must have gone for a walk before all this started. Perhaps she, too, had felt the restlessness. He and Bast deposited the pups at her paws, knowing mumma-bear would keep them safe in the inner circle. He spared no time for speech, but a world of conversation passed between the two leaders. I love you.

Asla, out of breath, found him and gave a report, one that Natha agreed with. Hearing ‘giant wolves’ come from Asla gave him pause. Asla was very much accustomed to giants, and would not have reported them as so under usual circumstances. “Larger than a Dire?” he asked her with brisk speed. He needed to be certain. Never had the Warlord met a wolf taller than himself.

Even as he spoke, his eyes found Goss, Briar, and Ko. ensuring they had reached the Obelisk in safety. “I believe they are, Gossy. Stay in the inner ring, that's an order.” he raised his voice. “That goes to everyone under one. In the inner circle!” He knew Asla and Naiche would help him enforce it.

As he received his reports from those that had been close to the borders, movement caught his eye. Ada, a new and young wolf was grabbing a thick branch, and running it into the darkness. She dropped it on the ground where it hissed and spluttered on the snow. It was lucky the unusual chill had kept a layer of ice on everything, or his pack lands would be in flames now. The puttering stick was already beginning to die, but what she had done gave them forward warning. The sound of beating paws was getting louder, here came their enemy.

The Warlord raised his head, and howled. Not every single member of his pack was here, so he needed the attack to center on this location. Come hither, bastards, and see what the Armada was made of. This was the center of his strength, and he would not let the enemy find any stragglers. “Ada, run support. Call attention to anyone getting surrounded, keep an eye on the numbers. Lieutenants and higher, pick one or two wolves each and lead them. This land is ours! Fight for what is yours” it was all he had time for as far as speeches went. In the next moment the sound of beating paws materialized into great hulking beasts. They ranged from a few inches over Sirius to the leader who held a breathtaking 55” a mass of snarling, angry beasts. They didn’t hesitate, working in unison they attacked. The Warlord only had time to glance his eyes across six of the beasts before he was engaged. He held his line, taking only a step forward to meet the attack.

He was so accustomed to taking an attack head first that the strength of his opponent threw him off balance. As the leading dire wolf smashed into him, towering over the Warlord and driving him a step back. The fight was on

WC: 625
Total: 4177
