
On My Teeth



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
04-03-2021, 06:45 PM
As awful as it sounded, finding Océan in the state she had and spending so much of her time caring for him had really given her a purpose. Before then she had felt so disconnected from everyone since their mother's death and it had been taking a toll on her. Now that she had gotten the chance to focus on something other than her own thoughts she felt recharged and had a new focus in the form of wanting to rebuild her relationship with her siblings. It felt as if they had all scattered to the wind without Avalon to hold them together. She didn't believe that she could possibly fill her mother's shoes, but she had to try. They were all she really had left in this world so if she could possibly pull them back together that was all she could hope for.

As if the world around her was reading her thoughts, she heard a familiar voice howling from the border and it made her head snap up to listen. Sév?" she breathed to herself before taking off at a sprint to go find her. She hadn't seen her sister in what felt like ages and she was so excited to go and see her again that it didn't even cross her mind that she probably should let Ignis answer the call first. Physically she still wasn't in the greatest shape so pushing herself to run through this heavy snow made her so entirely out of breath by the time she got to the border along the Sparse Pines, but seeing Sévérine standing there made it worth it.

She was giggling breathlessly as she ran up to her larger sister, tail wagging and big smile stretching across her muzzle. It took a lot to break her out of her normally calm and even demeanor, but the return of her sibling was more than enough for celebration. She couldn't speak as she continued to suck cold air into her burning lungs so settled for just happily whining as she embraced her sister, hugging her tight and letting that affection speak for her.
