
And...cue the dancing bears.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-03-2021, 08:56 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2021, 08:57 PM by Sirius. Edited 1 time in total.)

The younger wolf looked nervous, though he made efforts to push past it. Gaze going to his paws, and flicking upwards once more. It didn’t pass the Warlord's attention that the word ‘hungry’ had been slipped into his personal description. As the boy spoke, he began to move, making a slow circle around the Warlord. His attention slipping to the distance, as he assessed the situation and what was around him. As the boy moved, his confidence seemed to grow. And with it, his snark.

The Warlord got back to his paws, and well he wasn’t… aggressive, per say, there was a warning on his lips as they peeled back ever so slightly. No, he did not allow the stranger to walk behind him. He wasn’t a moron. There were things afoot in this land that were new to the season. Caution had always been the Warlords nature, even as he believed himself to be invincible. He had people to protect, and in his bid to do so, there was little he would not do. He followed Ciel’s circle, making a stationary circle of his own.

“Dire wolves, a good ten inches taller than myself”
he said dryly. The Titan Warlord already stood a good distance over this wolf, the wolves Sirius spoke of would almost be twice the height of this hungry lonar.
“Hard to miss them.”

“Those that attacked my lands are dead,”
a warning. He met Ciel’s eyes steadily. He did not like the way this wolf moved or spoke, he had been willing to consider him a harmless bystander a moment ago, but the more he spoke to him, the more the Titan’s skin prickled with warning. With the feeling that Ciel wanted something from him.
“I seek them out now for the sake of Boreas as a whole, to gather intel, and understand what we are dealing with.”
To be armed with knowledge lessened the chances of being taken by surprise again. Not that surprise had done the Dire’s any good, their bodies fertilized the soil of the Armada now.

But - The Warlord understood trade. There were parties that he often traded with for better pieces for his gear, or the taming of companions for his pack wolves to raise. The old Warlord would have asked him what the worth of his life was - but that was before his Wife had tempered the worst of the habits ingrained in him during his service to The Empire. Now, he cultivated relationships and trade, and his pack flourished for it.
“If you have seen any tracks that might indicate their whereabouts, or other such creatures that did not exist in Boreas before spring, I will trade for it.”
He bargained.
“For a small lead, I will offer you a small meal, such as a rabbit. If you are able to give me more, and help me discover where this ice bridge is, and what has crossed it, then I will feed you on the journey. I would give you dried meat from my stores on our return. Enough to keep you going for a good week.”
