
Everything has a place


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-04-2021, 12:02 AM
She was glad that she could make her brother smile with her comments and even managed to get a little laugh from him. But that smile faded after she commented on his status as the favorite sibling. She held his slightly sad, stern gaze as he insisted that they were all loved the same and that their mothers didn't pick favorites, listening as he insisted that he wouldn't want that responsibility even if they did. She returned the soft chuckle and shrugged slightly as she glanced down toward her paws. She wasn't sure if any of her siblings had really considered the fact that one day they would need to fill their mothers' places, but she had. She knew that even if her family was plenty accepting and encouraging of her passion to be a healer, she could never do what they do. She could never protect the pack and lead it. She couldn't imagine Bowen in that position either as the other healer of the bunch. Rudyard was usually a mess and while Daphne wasn't entirely out of the running in her mind, she wasn't sure her sister was even keeled enough for such a task.

No, at least in her eyes, Artorias was the one that would eventually take the reins. Whether he wanted that responsibility or not, he was the star pupil and the one they all looked up to. This fact didn't necessarily bother her since she had no real desire to be in the spotlight, but she was also self aware enough to know that Artorias would always hold a special place because of that natural ability and affinity for fighting and protecting. "Hey, I don't mind you being the favorite. At least I know I'll always be somewhere in the middle since Rudy will constantly be in trouble," she joked, bringing her eyes back to his and giving him a little grin. She wasn't sure why she always looked so far ahead into the future the way she did, but she had always felt very mature for her age and thinking about what their lives would be like once they were old enough to fully live them was a pretty frequent topic in the musing she did when she was sitting alone in her room.

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"