
Stretch your legs



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-04-2021, 12:15 AM
Gwynevere frowned when Rudy insisted that he couldn't tell her because then it wouldn't be a surprise. "Yes, exactly," she insisted as she continued to prompt him for information. The whole reason she wanted to know was so it wouldn't be a surprise. Eilwen tapped her on the top of her head with her beak and Gwyn scowled up at the white raven. What was so wrong with wanting to know where she was going and having a well thought out plan for everything? She didn't get the excitement around this whole surprise adventure thing. It seemed dangerous if anything and she knew how often Rudyard was always getting himself into trouble. This seemed exactly why in her mind. She paused just long enough before she left her room to sling her satchel on. If she was going to be going out she might as well have some essential healing items with her - just in case. Plus, if they happened to find anything she could collect then she'd have a way to carry it back with her.

She scowled when he gave her the worst hint of the fact that they weren't going to the beach. Perfect, that was one of hundreds of places he could be taking her. Gwyn was momentarily distracted from her disgruntled response to being kidnapped away from her room by Rudyard's companion running toward her brother with a short demand for "up". She grinned and chuckled as she watched her brother crouch down so the Tasmanian devil could climb onto his back. She was reminded of her annoyance when Rudy made another "hint", this time telling her that they would need to cross some snow to get there. "Everywhere is covered in snow!" she replied with a sigh, resigning herself to her fate as she followed behind Rudy. It was too late to resist now so she just had to give in and join in on this adventure.

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"