
I got this feeling that I can't go back




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-04-2021, 06:56 AM
Iroh felt the cold to his bones, every day no matter the day. The sun seemed to disappear and the world was forever white and dreary. The young man almost preferred it like this, his hot tea tasted better and there was always an excuse to cuddle up with Elise. He didn’t forget his duties though, especially after the poor results in the raid with Valhalla. He had hoped the pack would prove much more formidable than he had seen and the result was much like the fight with the Armada. They were crushed, and Iroh hated the feeling. He wasn’t sure what he could do to change such an outcome besides training and continue seeing to his duties. What he really needed was to step up and to help the youth of the pack in their skills. His cousins children had so much potential, and if he couldn’t prove himself with them how could he hope to prosper with his own children?

Elise was his mate, one day they’d raise a family together. At least he hoped. There was nothing stopping them from getting pregnant, but it hadn’t happened yet. He knew they would get their chance in due time, whenever the gods saw fit to bless them with such a gift. For now the man would enjoy his lady all to himself. Iroh had her presence to look forward to as he finished his patrol and made his way back to the ravine and the private den he shared with Elise.

She was there waiting for him when he returned too, as he let himself in blue and lavender eyes would fall on her beautiful form, curled up next to the fire. Warmth was a mental construct these days, only cold lingered forever. That was why he didn’t hesitate to approach the Adravendi woman, curling his massive body around her as he aimed to steal a warm kiss from her silky lips.
Where My Demons Hide