
Never Gonna Give It Up




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
04-04-2021, 09:06 AM

Siren had hit a point of offending Viper, whether she intended to or not. Viper was pretty easy going for the most part, but she also had a strange temper on her. She typically liked getting arise out of others, she thought it was fun. But she was also pretty offended by the most carefree things. For one she didn't like to be called stupid or dumb, which she appeared as pretty quickly. Siren wasn't claiming her this way, but as she had mentioned that she wouldn't run around all day herself, it made Viper feel like she was almost telling her that her training was a waste of time, or something of the sort.

Her head tilted with a squint as she contemplated what to do or say in response. She didn't want to upset Chimera by saying something to offend the girl who had been her longer than herself. And she knew very well it was unwise to start a fight with not only those who resided with Chimera, but those of Ashen to begin with. The things she had learned in the last year seemed to be crucial to her way of life.

"Seems like you can use some training yourself." She stated. Viper never saw her own smaller size as weakness to fighting, hunting, or the like. She was quite the opposite of her mother herself, and if she could play back the clock she would have been a much better choice for Tyranis to take and build up his expectations on instead of her brother. Rain had suffered from it where Viper would have thrived. She would never know these things though.

"You own the deer then? Chimera told me not to hunt them." Well she wanted to, it was hard to resist the urge to. Her and Chimera had brought in so many meals, but they had to be running short here soon. Ashen was a large pack to be feeding, and she was surprised no one else ventured on to the island to hunt them. Prey were meant for killing and eating in her eyes and she wondered why Chimera felt different about the island deer.

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