
Under Every Rock



2 Years
04-04-2021, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2021, 07:13 AM by Cíel. Edited 4 times in total.)

Gazing up I could see the wind whipping the trees around with waves of gusts, powerful enough to cause them to quiver and shake as if protesting its force yet no having any other choice than to stand steady. It caught speed over the icy open waters before pummeling into the wooden pillars. Ice bricks formed into the pond's surface but I suppose the wind had broken it up last night and now the water was free to move across the pond in ripples, crashing up onto the banks and rolling over the polished pebbles, grazing my paws before recoiling back out to its body. There wasn’t a bird, frog, or chipmunk insight today, and I didn’t really blame them. Today was just going to be one of those kinds of days you just get through, rather than actually enjoy. A pink nose rose up to the air, catching the scents that the gusts of wind brought along with it before it died back down into a gentle breeze.

The dark grey skies reflected off of the waters and if it weren't moving, they might be almost the same muted color. I sighed, giving a light shake before turning back around to wander back to my project. One of the better things about being here amongst the trees was the coverage from the brunt of the wind’s wrath as it barreled over the open waters. However, I was dealing with constantly falling branches and twigs that just kept landing right on my shit and messing up all of my works causing nothing but pure frustration and resentment and sorrow and -

“Oh, COME. ON.”
I yelled angrily as another large stick fell on one of the glass shards that I had lying with the rest of my tools, instantly breaking it into three pieces.
"Hoc damnant tempestate et rami quae stulta deum decernere ad me mittent... UGH."
Latin lyrics rolled out like a late freight train, spewed in anger. There was no escaping this. But to ask me to sit down and watch the damn pond all day or continue wandering about was something that was more of a waste of my time than to continue to meddle with… ugh.

My paws began to pace a few steps to each side while I felt my blood pressure begin to rise out of pure irritation. ’Chill. It’s fine...I got this. I just need…’ My chest expanded to its limit as I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes gently as I did so. I let out a whoosh of air through my jaws before opening my eyes again. I had to keep my emotions in check… I just had to.

3. 2. 1.

I meandered over to the animal skin that I had been toting around whilst I traveled and pawed through a few items. I found one last glass shard that I picked up back while I was rummaging through the field with all of the metal machines a few days ago and brought it over to my work station. On a fallen log I had set up what looked like metal stands holding various items like jars, metal bowls, glass shards, and wires with shallow pots and pans under them. The order that I had placed them in was for my purpose of distilling my own base elixir but with the wind carrying on today, this might not happen. I overturned what had fallen and replaced the glass shard before deciding to head back to the lake. The device that I found back in that field was producing so much heat from its core and with this weather, I didn’t think I would be able to get it up to the temperature that I needed. Last night, a different story. I had about half a jar already distilled and had the other plant matter charred into its salt essence. This was the last step in phase one but… Oy. Not happening with this chill in the air.

My body fell into a sit before I lowered my front end down too. I needed time to think anyway. Sirius had mentioned that he wanted more information about these Dire wolves walking about, the ones that attacked his pack. They couldn’t be hard to find… right? And that ice bridge, what ice bridge?! This was going to take time to get around the area, but I had the upper hand from my point of view. No pack, no emotional ties, no scents to bond me to one area. I just needed to start prying into some wolves' heads… My head lowered onto my paws while I thought.
