
Blood and Fire



2 Years
Extra large
Judas I
04-04-2021, 05:55 PM
There was a few moments of lingering silence between the two young wolves and he took those moments to study her. That average sized wolf of a light and trimmed build of a huntress or scout, perhaps both. Her coating reminded her of the patchwork and spots often found around where he had once lived. She did not hold any mutations of horn, antler or great claws as some he had come to meet, however. His family, though often holding vibrant and beautiful markings over a dark base, was not 'blessed' with some of the mutations which the royals of his previous home came to have. Perhaps not blessed enough, not pure enough…

He mused on this, a hum on his coal lips and then she spoke once more. This time he understood and this time his flame-backed ears perked up with quite a curiosity. “I...” Hesitant, for her was quite shocked to meet someone that not only looked like the wolves he had since left behind, but spoke like them too. He wondered then if this woman had been unhappy in her home much like he had. That, or she had come to retrieve him. He doubted however his father cared enough to have someone hunt him down, granted the brand new wife which he now held to make him plenty of capable heirs where his first wife had failed. “I don’t think so but, you look familiar too?” Maybe they had known of one another despite never really interacting. His father had kept him from making many friends and so this was not farfetched that they had seen each other and yet did not know each other. "I was part of the Iga clan, once..." He admits, voice trailing. Would she deem him a traitor then?
Player Note: Speech written in italic means Enenra is speaking Japanese. This is his primary language and does not yet know common well.