
Messing with the wrong one




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-04-2021, 07:46 PM
The spiked ridges of bone ripped through the bear's flesh and sent a splatter of red out across the snow beside her and its pained, angered roar filled the air in response. She gave herself a shake, sending another scattering of blood flying off from the top of her head. A pleased grin still danced on her muzzle as she prepared herself to launch into another attack, but she was interrupted by the sound of paws charging through snow, the unexpected yet dazzling entrance of a stranger making her pause. She blinked with surprise as a handsome, multicolored male painted with hues of purple, green, and blue leaped boldly onto the bear's back, balancing there as he bit deep into the back of its neck.

Another grin split her lips and a peel of laughter left her at the sight, her vibrant eyes sparkling with amusement and perhaps something else. She'd met three wolves so far since coming to this unknown land and all of them had been quite striking in appearance and so far both males she had come across had gone head first into a fight seemingly without hesitation. If this was what all the wolves in this land were like then she was certain she had finally found somewhere she belonged. If nothing else she was certainly not finding a shortage of entertainment.

With the bucking bear throughly distracted by the cowboy currently trying to ride it, Manea took the opportunity to race toward it as well and easily got in close to its neck. She wrapped her front paws around its neck, hooking her tiger-like claws into its fatty flesh to she could keep a good grip on the beast. She then started tearing into its neck, biting down deep into the flesh and ripping away at its throat till a heavy amount of red was now coating the bear's pale coat as well as darkening her face and chest. The fight didn't last too much longer after that, the bear attempting to shake either of the wolves off and not really succeeding. It did manage to get a paw at her hip and rake its large claws along her back leg, but that sting of pain only drove her on more and she bit down harder.

Eventually she felt the polar bear starting to buckle and crumble - whether from blood loss or because she managed to rip straight through to its trachea she wasn't sure. Either way, Manea finally released her hold on the bear's neck and brought her paws back to the ground as she stumbled back a couple of steps from the bear as it sank to the ground. She was breathing hard, but that excited grin still lingered on her muzzle even with all the blood that now darkened her already dark pelt. Her gaze turned toward the stranger then, all that adrenaline from fighting the massive predator getting funneled into a very different emotion.

"Do you make a habit of leaping onto the backs of your opponents?" she questioned as she swiped her tongue across her muzzle to start cleaning away the blood there, lifting a brow quizzically at him as she hoped the suggestion in her tone wouldn't go unnoticed. She chuckled and grinned, already throughly amused by this man she had only just met. Anyone that was willing to pull such a stunt was at least worth her time as far as she was concerned. "I'm Manea. What's your name?"
