
Living on island time




5 Years

04-04-2021, 10:53 PM

His new companion confirmed that this was also his first time visiting the island and that he knew nothing about it as well. Excellent, then they were both on even ground! Even more excellent, the man offered to accompany him through some of the ruins and protect him from any looming threats in the shadows of the ghost town. "Splendid! Follow me then!" he replied with gusto and set off down the street, cringing against the wind when it buffeted him and tousled his coat. He led the way down a large road that cut down the middle of the buildings, looking between the old derelict structures on either side of them. Some shapes seemed familiar from locations he had visited in the past, while others were brand new. "Usually, the ruins with the most glass or empty holes where glass was are the most important," he said over his shoulder to Plague. "I'm not sure why though. The Lost Species tended to have a great love for glass. Heaven knows why..."

Milo continued to scope out the empty buildings until he came across a large single level structure with the entire front made of foggy and cracking glass. He beamed in anticipation; this building must be especially important! "See? Glass! And lots of it!" Milo explained to his companion, trotting up to the sliding double doors that were partially ajar just enough for the two wolves to slip inside. The interior of the structure was silent and smelled musty, but it was dry and safe from the wind. Milo peered around at the rows of large metal dividers that formed long rows stretching to the other side of the structure. Shelves on the metal dividers held the scattered remains fo boxes, tins, and other packages. A desk near the doors was littered with posters showing those same packages with highlighted numbers in garishly bold fonts, though what they meant he couldn't tell.

"I've seen places like this before, but never one this big!" awed the tawny brown wolf while he began to step over debris to navigate around the empty store. Teal eyes gazed in wonder around him, pondering just what this place once carried to need so much storage and display hardware. "I say we look around for a bit, see what we can find. If you spot anything interesting, let me know! We'll try to figure it out together!" Milo set off down one of the aisles, booking tin cans with a curious snout along his way. If only he knew how to open them and see what was inside...

"Speech" | Thoughts