


07-29-2013, 07:31 PM
OOC Name: Sammie
How did you get here?: Google
Age: 17

Character's Name: Alaria
Age: 2 years
Season of birth: Summer
Size: Medium
Appearance description: Alaria is of medium size and build, not too big and not too small. Perfectly average. Her coat is a beautiful myriad of hues from white to black to gray. Shades of ebony cover the top half of her face like a mask, travelling up her ears and cloaking the rest of her body in a dark shadow. The bottom half of Ria's snout is white, along with her chest and underbelly. Her fur is extremely thick, which is bothersome in summer, but when winter comes she stays toasty warm. For her body shape; Beginning with her head, Alaria has a slightly regal cast to her pose. Her ears stand tall and proud, almost cockily straight. Alaria's deep set, amber eyes seem to be able to penetrate any heart, too see straight down into the depths of ones soul. Her snout is a bit on the shorter side, but not stubby, topped with a moist black nose that can scent a deer from miles away. Alaria is muscular, but not on the bulky side. She can without a doubt hold her own in a fight, but there's only so much her average-sized body can take. Ria is definitely on the trim side, weighing in at around eighty pounds. She stands on the shorter side of a medium build, at thirty one inches. Her legs are long and elegant, however, with most of her height residing in those four limbs, ending with slightly oversized paws. Those large paws, however, are helpful to Alaria when she runs. They pick out a path through the thickest undergrowth, and are especially useful in winter when running through deep snow and slippery ice. Overall, Alaria is of average appearance, though for a femme she is still beautiful. She moves with grace and silence, a watchful predator.
Duty: Daredevil