
There's A Mess But No One To Clean It Up




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-07-2021, 11:07 PM
He gave a nod when the woman confirmed that she had been a part of the pack when it was still under Acere's leadership. The fact that she had been away for a while now explained why she didn't know what had happened to the pack, but it didn't explain why she was this vested in finding out an answer. He scoffed softly when she mentioned going to see the alpha and ultimately deciding that it was a bad idea. "Yes... I wouldn't say that confronting him about anything is the wisest choice. It seems like he can be a bit... volatile at times." He knew he was trying to be kind to his brother with his wording, though he wasn't one of the ones directly effected by his behavior so maybe it was easier for him to do so. Yes, he had taken over the pack he lived in and he still didn't quite forgive him for how he had treated his own family members, but with the world in the state it was currently in he couldn't turn his back on a place to live.

"But to answer your question - yes, I know what happened. I was there." He sighed softly with a small shake of his head, glancing away from her as he spoke. "Ignis confronted Winter about what he felt was a lack of effort and leadership on her part and challenged her for the pack. She didn't fight him for it, but others did. There were several that challenged him for their freedom just out of outrage for what he had done, but I don't believe any of them were successful. Winter and Acere were exiled." That was the quick and dirty of it without going too far into detail. He brought his mismatched eyes back up to the stranger again as he added, "I haven't noticed any violence from him since then, but... Just from being his brother and knowing the kind of demons we fight I do worry about him. That's why I've stayed - to try and help him and hopefully keep him from causing any more damage."

"Casso" | "Boris" | thoughts