
but you mustn't




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
04-08-2021, 12:23 AM

With every question she asked she only grew more curious about her lady and what had shaped the lovely woman into the wolf she was today, but she could tell that Siren wasn't comfortable with speaking on the topics so she eventually let it die. Perhaps one day she would be able to learn more about her. Even just knowing that she could ask questions like this made her happy and even more trusting of her princess. With Chimera she constantly felt as if she needed to tiptoe and be careful with what she said or did, but with her lady it felt more akin to a friendship and for that she was grateful. It was a feeling she had never had before and one she held tight to out of fear that one day it might be gone.

"Perhaps its best that you're so different," she offered, hoping to be encouraging with her words. "You balance each other out. I couldn't imagine how he would be without your softness." Offering Siren a smile, she picked up the bucket as it was filled with the last load of dirt, carrying it outside and adding it to a pile that had been growing out in the trees away from the dens. When she came back into the den she put the bucket off to the side again and then stood back to admire the work they had done so far. It was shaping up to be an impressive set of shelves - now they just needed the material for the shelves themselves.

"I guess we should go gather up some wood for the shelves now," she suggested with a nod toward the exit, a soft smile lingering on her lips. "Unless you'd like to take a break. I could go prepare a meal for you if you'd like." It was a little after mid day now so she was fine either way - not that she would often put her own wants or needs over Siren's. Forever a servant through and through, despite how much she had begun to think of the smaller woman as a friend.
