
I got this feeling that I can't go back




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-08-2021, 12:51 AM
She certainly wouldn't have gone to anyone else with this request though she had almost expected some kind of objection or at least questions over why she was suddenly interested in learning the skill that she hadn't previously shown any interest in. Instead he readily agreed and began to set a game plan for where they could start, making her smile as he left a couple sweet kisses on her nose. It made the thoughtful crease between her brows soften from her expression as she gazed up at him lovingly. She appreciated how there was no hesitation or doubt, just a willingness to help her in whatever way she felt like she might need his help in. At this point she wasn't even sure if learning how to fight was the answer she was looking for, but it was something and it was certainly better than just laying here waiting for life to pass by.

She brought her muzzle to his to catch his lips in a proper kiss, lingering there for a few tender moments before pulling back again to give him a sweet smile. "I don't deserve you," she told him softly after she had shifted how she was laying and rolled a bit in his embrace till she was facing him a bit more, bringing her forepaws to rest against his chest. The longer she was with him and the more she saw how much he genuinely cared the more it affirmed that choosing to be here with him was the right choice. At the end of the day it wasn't him that she doubted - it was always herself. She constantly worried that she wasn't contributing enough and wasn't conforming enough. In her mind she thought that she'd be a flourishing member of the pack and would know exactly what she'd want to be doing by now and now that she felt like she fell short of those goals she didn't know what to do with herself.

Elise slowly traced over his chest, shoulders, and neck with her paws, letting her claws lightly pull through his dark fur as they made the circuit across his skin again and again. "I don't make you feel like I'm not happy to be here, do I?" she questioned softly after several moments of continuing to lay there pressed to him, one of her paws coming up to brush against his cheek and scratch around his ear. "I don't mean to if I do... I'm happy to be with you, I just... haven't quite figured out the pack part of things yet."

Walk | "Talk" | think