
Ignis heirs readoption [CLOSED]



3 Years
04-08-2021, 11:06 PM
OOC Name: Vasilia
Character Name: Celosia Praetor
[Image: red-bull2-by-queenkcd-ddm0j0x.png]
Appearance: Celosia’s pelt is mostly dark, a variety of shades of red from mid tones to some shades that almost appear black. The darkest shades frame her face, as well as wrapping around her shoulders and underbelly, and stretching across her spine. The darker tones are broken up by vibrant speckling of a brighter red shade that blends with her fur. Her most notable markings are slashes of an even brighter shade that start at her ribs just behind her forelegs and continue down her side and hide legs. A similar type slash like stripes frame circles around each of her silver eyes. She seems to have been missing most of her tail from birth and is left with only a short nub, but is blessed with rams horns that she takes great pride in. She stands at 39” (possibly more if I can afford the extra height) and maintains an average build, not too stocky, but not too thin.

Alignment: True Neutral

Personality: Celosia is does not possess many traditionally feminine traits, and even tends to resent the idea the there may be some out there that might see her as less capable. Because of this, she pushes herself farther than she should sometimes, and is trying constantly to prove that she’s just as tough, if not tougher, than those around her. She places a high value on physical ability, as well as loyalty. No bond could ever be as strong as the one she shares with her family, and while she may have an occasional attitude, as well as a bit of a superiority complex that pushes her to try and outdo her siblings, she would do anything and everything for them. She outspoken and opinionated, far from being the type to sit back and let others steamroll over her. If she thinks someone is being stupid, she isn’t afraid to let them know.
While not inherently vicious, she can be somewhat oblivious of others feelings at times, and can come across as rude and insensitive. She speaks her mind with little to no thought on the impact her words might have on others, or the trouble it could potentially get her into. This habit often makes her come across as a bully, and though she doesn't usually intend to hurt others feelings, she also doesn’t exactly care much about how she is perceived and can be somewhat insensitive to those she views as being too moody.
She often struggles not only with understanding the emotions of others, but has difficulty processing and working through her own emotions. This is a source of great frustration for her and can lead to her engaging in reckless behaviors at times to try and force a distraction from whatever unpleasant emotions she may be feeling. When facing grief or sorrow, she chooses instead to lash out in anger, taking on a more hostile demeanor, channeling that pent up emotion into someone else.

Brief RP Sample: WIP

Anything else?: With her issues processing and understanding her emotions I want to see a lot of in character development for her. I see her being a lot more prone to fits of anger and recklessness when she’s younger, constantly trying to chase this feeling of normalcy that she can never seem to find, while also trying desperately to prove herself to everyone. As she gets older, I see her still retaining those tendencies, but being much better about keeping herself in check and having an easier time knowing her place and her worth. I want to see her need to prove herself temper out as she begins to grow her confidence, but of course that all depends on how things play out ICly. I can definitely see her retaining a competitive streak throughout her life, and will likely aim for some sort of higher rank as she gets older, and might feel a bit bitter if others out pace her own achievements due to her competitive nature.