
Carried Away




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

04-10-2021, 10:54 AM
Indigo spent the day with Duchess yesterday, after waking up together it seemed a natural course to go along together the rest of the day. While the girl was an excellent distraction, and he was truly coming to care about and for her, there was no patch big enough for the hole in his heart. Aslatiel stole it from his chest and now he spent the days coping and trying desperately to cover the gash. Along with his sister another often found her way into his thoughts, especially when they were apart. Cosette had been a little distant and Indigo was beginning to worry about her too, he promised to protect her but he’d been doing a poor job of it. He would blame his own self absorption in the turmoil that constantly raced through his troubled mind.

The yearling shook his thick pelt as he crossed the border of the Hallows and followed the girl’s scent. He was immediately put on edge, feeling a nervousness deep in his chest as the safety of the pack fell behind him. He tried not to return to the day when Rue died, but the fear was already gnawing at his belly. Indy promised to keep Cosette safe, no matter what he had to uphold that vow. A man was only as good as his words, and thus far his word had been worth nothing.

His heart was racing when another scent mingled with Cosette’s as Indigo grew closer to his quarry. There was no blood and eventually he found that both went their separate ways. Indy took off at a lope, his voice echoing around him. ”Cosette!” He didn’t mask the anxiety in his voice as bright blue eyes searched for the girl’s dainty form. Massive black paws stumbled through the snow and wild brambles in his now frantic search. Oneward he went until the grove revealed its jewel.

She looked unharmed, but he didn’t miss the look in her eye nor the evidence of her emotions. Indigo approached slowly, his heart still beating like crazy in his chest even as he lowered his head and his ears. ”Cosette?” His voice was soft but breathless. Indigo knew how to protect from physical harms of the body, but he could scarcely soothe his own emotions. He didn’t really know how to heal a broken heart.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.