
little unsteady



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-10-2021, 03:54 PM
In all the time since Azariah's disappearance, Lillith's illness was the first time that he felt inadequate to take care of his children. He was grateful that they lived in a pack where there were several very skilled healers, but he still got the sense that it wasn't quite the same as having their mother there to care for them. He had done what he could - checking on her, spending time with her when he could, making sure the fireplace in her room was always stocked with wood, always bringing her meals to make sure she was at least eating properly... but that still didn't feel like it was enough. He tried his best not to worry since all of the healers that had come to treat her kept assuring them that it would pass, but how could he not be worried over his little girl?

He walked toward Lillith's room to bring her some dinner, but when he got to her door he noticed it was open and when he poked his head inside he found that it was empty. He knew she had been on an upswing recently, but it was still a surprise to find her gone from her room. Dropping the portion of meat inside for her to have later, he turned back the way he came and started following the trail that he now noticed since he knew to look for it. He followed her scent all the way outside and when he lifted his silver gaze from the ground he spotted Lil's monochromatic form out in the courtyard.

Just seeing her out and about brought him so much relief and he smiled a little easier seeing her standing there. Walking up to her, he could feel the cold wind buffeting his fur and he knew she shouldn't be out here in the cold for too long since she was still recovering, but he wouldn't steal this little freedom from her so quickly. He leaned down to give her cheek an affectionate kiss, his tail wagging gently as a smile pulled across his scarred face. "I didn't expect to find you out here, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

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