
The bigger they are

Mammoth hunt preparation



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-10-2021, 05:24 PM
He was pleased that so many spoke up to give their ideas and opinions on the matter. He had rough ideas that he had come up with on his own, but this was too large of a task for him to completely plan out without someone else to poke holes in the plan and make it better. He hummed with thought when Duchess suggested that there be a portion of them at the bottom of the canyon to kill the beast if the fall didn't. He didn't think that a creature that large could survive that kind of fall - as the saying goes, the larger they are the harder they fall - but it certainly wasn't a bad idea. The pink girl beside Ezra spoke about being near these creatures before and he looked to her with interest. It was good intel to have and gave him a better perspective of the approach they would need to take. He gave a nod to Artorias as the boy suggested a couple of solutions to get the creatures running and then looked to Dunkan as he expanded on the idea.

He had to agree that a fire might be difficult to pull off considering the amount of snow still on the ground. Anything they would try to light would get snuffed out pretty quickly as the snow melted and introduced water to the situation. The avalanche wasn't a bad idea, though he wasn't entirely certain how they would go about setting that up. He turned his attention to the large stranger as he spoke, mentioning how one might come after the other and throwing out the possibility of running them all over the cliff instead. Ulric had never really been a fan of hunting more than necessary for a comfortable survival so killing that many of them when they likely wouldn't be able to finish off all of the meat before it began to spoil felt wasteful, but if perhaps two instead of one ended up in their trap that would be alright. He appreciated Lúta's insight when she echoed his thoughts about starting the avalanche and bringing up the fact that if the fire didn't go out as they expected it could just end up getting out of hand. The spears were a solid idea though and helped to fully round out his idea. At some point during their chatting and planning, the small bobbed tailed woman that had originally joined them slipped away without him noticing and instead a another large stranger appeared in her place, but from what he could tell the stranger was nodding along and seemed to be up to speed on what was happening.

"Alright... Six of us will need spears - that will be our team to drive the creatures toward the canyon and direct their path. Then I'd like two of us to be at the bottom of the canyon to finish off the beast if it doesn't succumb to the fall on its own. That leaves two of us to start the stampede from the top of the falls. I think there will be enough larger rocks that we could pile them up and trigger the avalanche from there. If nothing else it should confuse and startle them enough to get them running. Once the avalanche is started the two at the falls can join the team guiding them to the cliff and breaking one of them off from the group. Ezra, Avantika, and Artorias, I'd like for you to go back to the castle and collect some spears from the weapons room. Each of you should be able to carry two so that will give six of us spears to use. While they're doing that the rest of us can go prepare the beginnings of the avalanche at the falls.

Avantika and Duchess - you'll trigger the avalanche. Dunkan and Lúta - you'll be our finishing blows at the bottom of the canyon. The rest of you will be with me for driving the herd. Any questions?"
He waited a moment to see if there were any questions or objections before getting to his feet with a nod. "Alright, lets go!"

Walk | "Talk" | think