
Bane x Alena pups!



10 Years
Athena I
07-29-2013, 09:50 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 02:21 PM by Cael.)
Bane and Alena are expecting puppies! Seeing as how they are not mates, let me explain a bit. Alena and Bane had a bit of a one night stand and since she happened to be in heat at the time this happened (oops). There should be some drama involved since Alena is a member of Amenti and Bane is in Seracia and I'm not sure how much Bane will be in the picture for the pup's lives, but perhaps there could be some pup and dad reuniting eventually, hmm? Alena is also in a fairly good spot in the Amenti food chain so if you're looking for an Amenti wolf here's your chance! Yay plottage galore! (Not to mention that Medusa will be having pups fairly soon after Alena and I'm sure the Amenti pups would love to all socialize together.)

Ralon and I are both taking a pup and I plan on Alena having four pups so that leaves two lovelies to pick!

Here are some designs for you to pick from!

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If you would like to make your own designs, please feel free to do so. But please keep in mind the following traits:
Alena - white with violet eyes (link to her profile: click)
Bane - gray/black with hazel/blue eyes (link to his profile: click)
Alena's mom - white with green eyes
Alena's dad - black with violet eyes
Notice that none of them have any crazy colors or patterns. I did try to expand on the patterns at least but they're all black/white/gray till I find out Bane's parent's traits.

For names, feel free to get creative. I like names that are from greek mythology or names with some kind of meaning, but that doesn't mean you have to find a name like this. It's completely up to you! If you'd like to run some names by me and let me help you pick I'd be happy to.

Keep in mind the parent's personalities and their situations when picking out personalities. Alena is an assassin, but she is very logical and even a little moral in her killing so no psycho killers unless they have something happen to them down the line and they go crazy. Bane's just Bane, he just kinda does what he wants, but still, not crazy. I know personalities are subject to change as they grow so just give it your best guess as to what you would like them to be.

DISCLAIMER: If Ral or I feel like your pup's appearance/personality is too far off from what we're looking for, we may ask you to change it.

As for the auditions, please fill out this form:


Name: Self explanatory
Gender: Self explanatory
Adult size in inches: Alena is medium and Bane is large, so there is some wiggle room to be had here. You can go down to small if you so choose.
Appearance: If you are using one of the designs, put the number for the one you would like here. If not, please put a description of your design here that is at least 100 words long. (It's the site limit for a profile so I feel like that's fair.)
Personality: 150 words of personality here please! (Again, site limit.)
RP sample: It doesn't have to be super long, but a couple of paragraphs would be good. Quality over quantity!

Alright you guys, my super long puppy ad is over! Sorry for being so picky, I just want my very first ever batch of pups to go to good people :3 Have fun with it! I can't wait to see what yall come up with!

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Also, anyone that gets a Bane x Alena pup automatically gets Shelby arts so GET ON IT